Thursday 14 March 2013

Photoshoot Summary - Shoot Two

Contact sheets above of the second photoshoot as I felt this shoot was more appropriate to the name and songs within the album itself. 

What went well?
  • The variation of camera angles meant that I had a wide range of experimentation of the same fish but in different forms. This meant the viewer could really concentrate on the colours or textures.
  • The experimentation with the use of different lens' such as the fish eye lens meant that I was able to achieve a variation of different images which could essentially captivate the viewer. By constantly referring back to my format research and reminding myself of the indie genre in order to capture something which would represent this led me to the success of these images.
  • By using top of the range equipment I was able to achieve the best quality images which were high in detail. This is because I have an interest in photography which meant I had an advantage within this photography aspect as I know what works well in a shoot and what doesn't. 

What didn't go too well?

  • One thing I struggled with was the control and organisation of the shoot. My intentions and plan of what I wanted the outcomes were too look like didn't go to plan as when your on shoot you go with the flow and some shots come out better than others. Along with the lack of control over the composition of the fish and no control of lighting meant that I had to rely on the composition and angles I had to take for which was a challenge but believe overall it was a successful shoot as I overcame all these hiccups.

Below is a variation of images which I believe are successful and show my understanding of camera work skills and understanding of what works well within the camera frame. I have showed understanding of using colour to really stand out amongst the crazy detail within the image along with composition and lighting to higlight the work inside the frame.

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